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أقراط دائرية بتصميم عصري للعين! أبعاد الحلقة 1.25 بوصة.

ستانلس ستيل مطلي بالذهب عيار 18. جودة رائعة تدوم طويلاً بدون تشويه.

خالي من الرصاص والنيكل

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أقراط طارة عين مشرقة

وحدة SKU: c1a9b581

    Cherish Eyesight & Vision intersects public health, global health, and eye health to improve visual health outcomes across nations. We are dedicated to improving visual health literacy to address preventable blindness and vision impairment globally.


    Registered Charity: 85-4346044

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    Disclaimer notice: Cherish Eyesight & Vision’s website provides information that is meant to supplement and not substitute any advice or information given by a provider. The information we provide is from reliable sources and is accurate but is not a complete resource for all vision and eye health conditions.

    © 2022 Cherish Eyesight & Vision |  شروط الاستخدام  |  سياسة الخصوصية

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